Coffs Harbour Accountant and Business Coach: Direction Accounting and Business Coaching
Keeping Your Business In Touch with Direction in Coffs Harbour
Enjoying hinterland and coastal lifestyles, our Coffs Harbour clients represent a wide range of industries.
With a strong focus on construction and modern industrial and retail, clients have a strong focus on achieving efficiency as well as sustainable growth and profitability. Direction Accounting apply practical approaches to achieving results in these and other key areas.
The area has many well established businesses and have business improvement and succession as common issues. If you are one of these business owners you are either what we call a “Grow Getter” or “Time to Go-Getter”. Typically you will have issues around growth, staffing and efficiency, and if looking towards exit, Capital Gains Tax and Business Sale matters. Direction Accounting and Business Coaching can cover each of these on your behalf.
Key Insights at a glance
It’s vitally important in business to understand key insights in your local area. We’ve taken the time to compile some key data for you taken from various sources such as Census, Economic Development Boards and other information services. If you have any queries on how the data may affect your business, please get in touch with our team.

Population: 91,143

Top Employing Industry: Health Care

Total Number of Businesses : 7,478

# Business <5 employees: 6,484

Top Industry: Construction

# Business Insolvencies: 14
Latest Local Business News Coffs Harbour
The 2023 North Coast Awards were swept by the Coffs Coast. Tourism prizes were held on Thursday, 27 July 2023, and the Coffs Coast won three gold and four silver prizes. In a joint effort between Objective North Coast and Business NSW, the honors perceive development and business and praise the travel industry organizations’ prosperity… Read more